10 Awesome JavaScript Libraries That Every Developer Should Know About

Sean Marcus
3 min readJan 3, 2021


1. React

React is an amazing JavaScript library that allows developers to build complex user interfaces with ease. The overarching design pattern that Facebook implemented when building react gives you the ability to create incredible, new and robust web applications quickly and efficiently. In 2021, React is the most popular web framework and for good reason. If you don’t know it already, learning React could change your life.


2. Vue

Vue is the “Progressive JavaScript Framework” that seems to be gaining popularity fast years after the initial release. Vue was created by Evan You and initially release in February of 2014. It took the world by storm with its ability to create complex user interfaces with close to no headache. Vue is approachable, versatile and performant. It is used by many companies and will continue to be used in the future.


3. Angular

Angular is the third giant of the JavaScript framework world. It is maintained primarily by Google as well as other open source contributors. In my opinion, Angular is more difficult and tedious to learn than Vue and React, but it still has a lot of power.


4. Node

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows you to run JavaScript code on the server side. Node gives developers the ability to write robust applications, APIs using JavaScript and run it away outside of a web browser. Since the release way back in 2009, node has changed the development world entirely and continue to be a huge player going forward in 2021.


5. Express

Express is a minimalist web framework that allows you to write very useful applications on top of Node.js. Express can be used to build Web Applications and simple yet highly effective web APIs. It’s highly performant and can be useful for so many different cases as a JavaScript developer.


6. Lodash

Lodash is the ultimate JavaScript utility library in 2021. With hundreds of different utility functions that allow you to run elaborate operations on JavaScript objects, arrays, numbers and more it will make all JavaScript developer’s lives much easier. Don’t stress about learning how to optimize your sorting functions, just let lodash do it all for you!


7. Axios

Axios is an incredibly useful HTTP client for the browser and Node.js. With over 9 million weekly downloads, axios is one of the most popular ways to work with APIs on the internet. Using Promise based JavaScript code, axios makes it simple to make any HTTP requests and even transform, cancel, or intercept them. Any developer working with APIs should learn axios to get rid of all their HTTP worries.


8. D3.js

Data-Driven Documents, or D3.js is a library that allows you to visualize data in incredibly unique ways. It allows you to bring data to life using HTML, CSS and even SVG. Built for the web, D3 could help any company perform analytics and view data in more useful ways.


9. Three.js

Three.js is an amazing JavaScript library that is built on top of WebGL in the web. It allows you to make amazing 3D scenes inside of a browser with ease. Anyone looking to make games, art or even some UI/UX should get to know three.js and learn how amazing it really is. Create new worlds, build new ideas and open new possibilities with three.js.


10. Electron

Electron is an incredible tool for JavaScript developers that allows you to build cross-platform desktop applications using the HTML, CSS and JavaScript that you already know and love. If you are JavaScript developer and you are looking to make desktop applications, Electron is by far the easiest way to go. Used by tech giants such as Slack, Electron is a popular tool to make incredibly powerful desktop applications for MacOS and Windows in 2021.




Sean Marcus
Sean Marcus

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